1. 81

    अनिर्विण्णः स्थविष्ठोऽभूर्धर्मयूपो महामखः । नक्षत्रनेमिर्नक्षत्री क्षमः क्षामः समीहनः ॥ ४७॥

    436. Anirvinnah: He who is never despondent. 437. Sthavishthah: He who is Immense. 438. Bhuh: The supporter. 439. Dharma-yupah: He who is united with dharma. 440. Maha-makhah: The Great yajna-svarupi. 441. Nakshatra-nemih: He who makes the stars move. 442. Nakshatri: He who is the stars. 443. Kshamah: He who is competent. 444. Kshamah: He who is in a diminished form. 445. Samihanah: He who establishes and assigns duties to all others.

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    यज्ञ इज्यो महेज्यश्च क्रतुः सत्रं सतां गतिः । सर्वदर्शी विमुक्तात्मा सर्वज्ञो ज्ञानमुत्तमम् ॥ ४८॥

    446. Yajnah: The Sacrifice. 447. Ijyayah: He who is the only to be worshipped. 448. Mahejyah: He who is the best among all to be worshipped. 449. Kratuh: He who is to be worshipped through the sacrifices called kratus. 450. Satram: He who is worshipped by the sacrifice called satram. 451. Satam gatih: The Goal of the pious. 452. Sarva-darsI: The one who knows and can see everything. 453. Nivrttatma: He whose mind is turned away from worldly desires. 454. Sarvajnah: The Omniscient. 455. Jnanam-uttamam: The Greatest Knowledge.

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    सुव्रतः सुमुखः सूक्ष्मः सुघोषः सुखदः सुहृत् । मनोहरो जितक्रोधो वीरबाहुर्विदारणः ॥ ४९॥

    456. Su-vratah: He who protects anyone who surrenders. 457. Su-mukhah: He with a charming face. 458. Sukshmah: Subtle, delicate and difficult to comprehend. 459. Su-ghoshah: He who is praised by the delightful voice of the Vedas. 461. Su-hrt: The good-hearted and a true Friend. 462. Mano-harah: He who captivates the heart. 463. Jita-krodhah: He who has overcome anger. 464. Vira-bahuh: He of mighty arms. 465. Vidaranah: He who cuts the sins of His devotees.

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    स्वापनः स्ववशो व्यापी नैकात्मा नैककर्मकृत् । वत्सरो वत्सलो वत्सी रत्नगर्भो धनेश्वरः ॥ ५०॥

    466. Svapanah: He who lulls people into sleep. 467. Sva-vasah: He who is under His own control. 468. Vyapi: The Pervader. 469. Naikatma: He of diverse forms. 470. Naika-karma-krt: He who performs diverse acts. 471. Vatsarah: He who lives within all beings and in whom everything resides. 473. Vatsi: He who possesses lots of calves and children 474. Ratna-garbhah: He who is in possession of abundant wealth. 475. Dhanesvarah: The quick giver of wealth.

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    धर्मगुब्धर्मकृद्धर्मी सदसत्क्षरमक्षरम् । अविज्ञाता सहस्रांशुर्विधाता कृतलक्षणः ॥ ५१॥

    476. Dharma-gup: He who protects dharma. 477. Dharma-krt: He who induces His devotees to follow dharma. 478. Dharmi: He who has dharma as an instrument. 479. Sat: He who is commendable. 480. Aksharam (sat): He whose existence is never diminished or destroyed in any way. 481. A-sat: That which does not exist now, but existed in the past as well as future. 482. Asat-ksharam: He who moves away from the bad. 483. Avijnata: The Non-cognizant. 484. Sahasramsuh: He who has a thousand rays 485. Vidhata: The Supreme Controller. 486. Krta-lakshanah: He who has prescribed the distinguishing characteristics for the pious.