1. 86

    गभस्तिनेमिः सत्त्वस्थः सिंहो भूतमहेश्वरः । आदिदेवो महादेवो देवेशो देवभृद्गुरुः ॥ ५२॥

    487. Gabhasti-nemih: He who has the effulgent chakra as His weapon. 488. Sattva-sthah: He who is in the hearts of the devotees. 489. Simhah: He who took the Narasimha form. 490. Bhuta-mahesvarah: The Supreme Lord of all beings. 491. Adi-devah: He who is the first cause and is endowed with effulgence. 492. Maha-devah: The greatest god. 493. Devesah: The Ruler of Gods. 494. Deva-bhrit: The Supporter of gods. 495. Guruh: The teacher.

  2. 87

    उत्तरो गोपतिर्गोप्ता ज्ञानगम्यः पुरातनः । शरीरभूतभृद्भोक्ता कपीन्द्रो भूरिदक्षिणः ॥ ५३॥

    496. Uttarah: The Savior of devotees. 497. Go-patih: The Master of all words. 498. Gopta: The Savior. 499. Jnana-gamyah: He who is to be realized by knowledge. 500. Puratanah: The Ancient. 501. Sarira-bhuta-bhrit: He who supports all the tattvas which constitute the sarira 502. Bhokta: The Enjoyer. 503. Kapindrah: The Lord of the monkeys. 504. Bhuri-dakshinah: The giver of liberal gifts.

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    सोमपोऽमृतपः सोमः पुरुजित्पुरुसत्तमः । विनयो जयः सत्यसन्धो दाशार्हः सात्वताम्पतिः ॥ ५४॥

    505. Somapah: He who drank the soma juice after performing sacrificial offerings in His Rama incarnation. 506. Amritapah: The drinker of nectar. 507. Somah: The Nectar orThe moon. 508. Puru-jit: The Conqueror of all. 509. Puru-sattamah: He who remains with the great. 510. Vinayah: The Subduer. 511. Jayah: He who is victorious. 512. Satya-sandhah: He whose promises are always true. 513. Dasarhah: He who is worthy of gifts. 514. Sattvatam-patih: The Lord of the sattvatas.

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    जीवो विनयिता साक्षी मुकुन्दोऽमितविक्रमः । अम्भोनिधिरनन्तात्मा महोदधिशयोऽन्तकः ॥ ५५॥

    515. Jivah: He who gives life to His devotees. 516. Vinayita: He who shows the path to everyone. 517. Sakshi: The witness. 518. Mukundah: He who gives moksha. 519. Amita-vikramah: He of boundless valor. 520. Ambho-nidhih: He who has the waters as His abode 521. Anantatma: The Inner Soul of ananta. 522. Mahodadhi-sayah: He Who is reclining in the vast ocean. 523. Antakah: He Who brings out the end of all.

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    अजो महार्हः स्वाभाव्यो जितामित्रः प्रमोदनः । आनन्दो नन्दनो नन्दः सत्यधर्मा त्रिविक्रमः ॥ ५६॥

    524. Ajah: He who is not born. 525. Maharhah: He who is worthy of worship. 526. Svabhavyah: He who is to be meditated upon by those who belong to Him. 527. Jitamitrah: a) He who helps His devotees conquer enemies such as anger, kamam, ahamkaram, mamakaram, etc. 528. Pramodanah: He who is always joyful. 529. Anandah: He Who is Bliss. 530. Nandanah: The Bliss-Giver. 531. Nandah: He Who is full of things that are Blissful. 532. Satya-dharma: He Who performs His dharma truthfully. 533. Tri-vikramah: He Who pervades the three Vedas and worlds.