1. 90

    अजो महार्हः स्वाभाव्यो जितामित्रः प्रमोदनः । आनन्दो नन्दनो नन्दः सत्यधर्मा त्रिविक्रमः ॥ ५६॥

    524. Ajah: He who is not born. 525. Maharhah: He who is worthy of worship. 526. Svabhavyah: He who is to be meditated upon by those who belong to Him. 527. Jitamitrah: a) He who helps His devotees conquer enemies such as anger, kamam, ahamkaram, mamakaram, etc. 528. Pramodanah: He who is always joyful. 529. Anandah: He Who is Bliss. 530. Nandanah: The Bliss-Giver. 531. Nandah: He Who is full of things that are Blissful. 532. Satya-dharma: He Who performs His dharma truthfully. 533. Tri-vikramah: He Who pervades the three Vedas and worlds.