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    कुमुदः कुन्दरः कुन्दः पर्जन्यः पावनोऽनिलः । अमृताशोऽमृतवपुः सर्वज्ञः सर्वतोमुखः ॥ ८७॥

    813. Kumudah: He Who is on this Earth with delight by enjoying the association with His devotees. 814. Kundarah: The Bestower of the knowledge of the Supreme Reality. 815. Kundah: He Who cleanses the sins of His devotees. 816. Parjanyah: He Who bestows His blessings on the devotees like the rain cloud. 817. Pavanah: He Who is the form of the wind. 818. Anilah: He Who is easily accessible to His devotees. 819. Amrtasah: He Who feeds His devotees with the Nectar. 820. Amrta-vapuh: He of a Nectar-like body. 821. Sarvaj~nah: He Who knows all. 822. Sarvato-mukhah: He Who has faces on all sides.

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    सुलभः सुव्रतः सिद्धः शत्रुजिच्छत्रुतापनः । न्यग्रोधोऽदुम्बरोऽश्वत्थश्चाणूरान्ध्रनिषूदनः ॥ ८८॥

    823. Su-labhah: He Who can be easily attained. 824. Su-vratah: He Who has taken a good and strong vow. 825. Siddhah: He Whose protection is ever available for his devotees. 826. Satru-jit-satru-tapanah: He Who occupies the bodies of Satru- jits to torment His devotees’ enemies. 827. Nyag-rodhodumbarah: He Who has the most auspicious SrI vaikuntham as His abode and He Who is ‘above the sky’. 828. Asvattah: He Who has established the demi-gods for performing various functions. 829. Canurandhra-nishudanah; He Who slew the wrestler by name canura.

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    सहस्रार्चिः सप्तजिह्वः सप्तैधाः सप्तवाहनः । अमूर्तिरनघोऽचिन्त्यो भयकृद्भयनाशनः ॥ ८९॥

    830. Sahasrarcih: The Thousand-rayed who illumines everything in this Universe. 831. Sapta-jihvah: The seven-tongued. 832. Saptaidhah: One Who is kindled in the form of fire by the seven kinds of offerings. 833. Sapta-vahanah: He Who has seven vehicles in the form of the seven Vedic mantra-s represented by the seven horses of the Sun: 834. A-murtih: He Who does not have a body that is affected by karma. 835. An-aghah: He Who is of blemishless character. 836. A-cintyah: He Who cannot be completely comprehended in our minds. 837. Bhya-krt: He Who causes fear. 838. Bhaya-nasanah: He Who destroys fear.

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    अणुर्बृहत्कृशः स्थूलो गुणभृन्निर्गुणो महान् । अधृतः स्वधृतः स्वास्यः प्राग्वंशो वंशवर्धनः ॥ ९०॥

    839. Anuh: He Who has the power of being smaller than anything small that is known to us. 840. Brhat: The Great. 841. Krsah: He Who is lighter than the light and is thinner than anything thin. 842. Sthulah: He Who is immense. 843. Guna-bhrt: He Who supports the three guNa-s of sattva, rajas, and tamas. 844. Nir-gunah: He Who is bereft of the common qualities and has special flavours. 845. Mahan: He Who is supreme in everything. 846. A-dhrtah: The Unconstrained. 847. Sva-dhrtah: He Who is Self-sustained and superior. 848. Svasyah: He Who has a glorious status and is superior over the mukta-s. 849. Prag-vamsah: He Who is the cause of the eternally free souls. 850. Vamsa-vardhanah: He Who keeps His progeny growing.

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    भारभृत् कथितो योगी योगीशः सर्वकामदः । आश्रमः श्रमणः क्षामः सुपर्णो वायुवाहनः ॥ ९१॥

    851. Bhara-bhrt: He Who shoulders the burden. 852. Kathitah: He Whose greatness is extolled by all the Vedas, Puranas, etc. 853. Yogi: He Who is endowed with super-human powers. 854. Yogisah: He Who is the foremost Lord of all yogins. 855. Sarva-kama-dah: He Who bestows all desires. 856. Asramah: He Who provides an abode of rest for the seekers. 857. Sramanah: He Who makes it possible to continue the effort of uncompleted yoga in the next birth. 858. Ksamah: He Who alone is left behind at the time of pralaya. 859. Suparnah: One Who has beautiful wings, and He has suparna – Garuda as His vahana. 860. Vayu-vahanah: He Who makes the wind flow for the benefit of sustaining life.