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    अणुर्बृहत्कृशः स्थूलो गुणभृन्निर्गुणो महान् । अधृतः स्वधृतः स्वास्यः प्राग्वंशो वंशवर्धनः ॥ ९०॥

    839. Anuh: He Who has the power of being smaller than anything small that is known to us. 840. Brhat: The Great. 841. Krsah: He Who is lighter than the light and is thinner than anything thin. 842. Sthulah: He Who is immense. 843. Guna-bhrt: He Who supports the three guNa-s of sattva, rajas, and tamas. 844. Nir-gunah: He Who is bereft of the common qualities and has special flavours. 845. Mahan: He Who is supreme in everything. 846. A-dhrtah: The Unconstrained. 847. Sva-dhrtah: He Who is Self-sustained and superior. 848. Svasyah: He Who has a glorious status and is superior over the mukta-s. 849. Prag-vamsah: He Who is the cause of the eternally free souls. 850. Vamsa-vardhanah: He Who keeps His progeny growing.