1. 31

    मेघश्यामं पीतकौशेयवासं श्रीवत्साङ्कं कौस्तुभोद्भासिताङ्गम् । पुण्योपेतं पुण्डरीकायताक्षं विष्णुं वन्दे सर्वलोकैकनाथम् ॥ ४॥

    I bow before that God Vishnu, Who is the lord of all the universe, Who is black like a cloud, Who wears yellow silks, Who has the sreevatsa on him, Whose limbs shine because of Kousthubha, Who has eyes like an open lotus, And who is surrounded by the blessed always.

  2. 32

    नमः समस्तभूतानामादिभूताय भूभृते । अनेकरूपरूपाय विष्णवे प्रभविष्णवे ॥ ५॥

    I bow before that God Vishnu, Who is the lord of all the universe, Who is black like a cloud, Who wears yellow silks, Who has the sreevatsa on him, Whose limbs shine because of Kousthubha, Who has eyes like an open lotus, And who is surrounded by the blessed always.

  3. 33

    सशङ्खचक्रं सकिरीटकुण्डलं सपीतवस्त्रं सरसीरुहेक्षणम् । सहारवक्षःस्थलकौस्तुभश्रियं नमामि विष्णुं शिरसा चतुर्भुजम् ॥ ६॥

    I bow before the God Vishnu, Who has four arms, Who has a conch and wheel in his hands, Who wears a crown and ear globes, Who wears yellow silks, Who has lotus-like eyes, Who shines because of Kousthbha, Worn in his garlanded chest.

  4. 34

    छायायां पारिजातस्य हेमसिंहासनोपरि आसीनमम्बुदश्याममायताक्षमलंकृतम् । चन्द्राननं चतुर्बाहुं श्रीवत्साङ्कित वक्षसं रुक्मिणी सत्यभामाभ्यां सहितं कृष्णमाश्रये ॥ ७॥

    I seek refuge in Lord Krishna, Who is with Rukhmani and Satyabhama, Who sits on a golden throne, In the shade of Parijata tree, Who is of the color of the black cloud, Who has long broad eyes, Who has a face like a moon, Who has four hands, And who has a chest adorned by Sreevatsa.

  5. 35

    स्तोत्रम् । हरिः ॐ । विश्वं विष्णुर्वषट्कारो भूतभव्यभवत्प्रभुः । भूतकृद्भूतभृद्भावो भूतात्मा भूतभावनः ॥ १॥

    1. Vishvam: He who is the Universe, reason for Universe, the entire being. 2. Vishnu: He who isAll Pervading, Omnipresent, Remover of darkness. 3. Vashatkara: One who controls and directs. 4. Bhuta-Bhavya-Bhavat-Prabhu: Lord of past, present, and the future. 5. Bhuta-Krit: Creator of all beings. 6. Bhuta-Bhrt: The sustainer of all beings. 7. Bhavah: He who exists with all the splendor and independent of anything else. 8. Bhutatma: The Atma or soul of all beings. 9. Bhuta-bhavanah: One who nourishes and nurtures all beings.