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    चतुर्मूर्तिश्चतुर्बाहुश्चतुर्व्यूहश्चतुर्गतिः । चतुरात्मा चतुर्भावश्चतुर्वेदविदेकपात् ॥ ८२॥

    771. Chatur-murtih: He of Four Forms. 772. Chatur-bahuh: The Four-armed. 773. Chatur-vyuhah: He of the form of four forms. 774. Chatur-gatih: He Who is in the form of the four purusharthas. 775. Chatur-atma: He Who has four forms in His vyUha incarnation. 776. Chatur-bhavah: The Source of the four – varnas, asramas, purursharthas, etc. 777. Chatur-veda-vit: He Who is the Knower of the four Vedas. 778. Eka-pat: He Whose manifestation in the form of this Universe is only one-fourth of Himself.

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    समावर्तोऽनिवृत्तात्मा दुर्जयो दुरतिक्रमः । दुर्लभो दुर्गमो दुर्गो दुरावासो दुरारिहा ॥ ८३॥

    779. Samavartah: He Who takes incarnations again and again for the benefit of His devotees. 780. Nivrttatma: He whose mind is turned away from worldly attachments. 781. Dur-jayah: He Who is Invincible. 782. Dur-atikramah: He Who cannot be bypassed by those who seek relief from samsaraw 785. Dur-gah: He Whose realization is constrained by our own limitations. 786. Dur-avasah: He whose place of residence (Sri vaikunTham) is not easy to attain. 787. Durari-ha: The Dispeller of the evil-minded enemies.

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    शुभाङ्गो लोकसारङ्गः सुतन्तुस्तन्तुवर्धनः । इन्द्रकर्मा महाकर्मा कृतकर्मा कृतागमः ॥ ८४॥

    788. Subha’ngah: He with an auspicious form that is meditated upon by His true devotees. 789. Loka-sara’ngah: He Who is reachable through the essence (sara) of the vedas, namely pranava. And is the object of devotion (loka-sara). 790. Su-tantuh: He Who has expanded this Universe starting from Himself. 791. Tantu-vardhanah: He Who augments the expansion of Himself into this world by protecting it. 792. Indra-karma: He Who is responsible for the powers of indra. 793. Maha-karma: He of magnanimous actions. 794. Krta-karma: One Who has achieved all there is to achieve. 795. Krtagamah: The Propounder of spiritual texts.

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    उद्भवः सुन्दरः सुन्दो रत्ननाभः सुलोचनः । अर्को वाजसनः श‍ृङ्गी जयन्तः सर्वविज्जयी ॥ ८५॥

    796. Udbhavah: He Who rose above samsara. 797. Sundarah: He Who is handsome. 798. Sundah: He Who is soft to His devotees. 799. Ratna-nabhah: He with a gem-like navel. 800. Su-locanah: One with beautiful eyes. 801. Arkah: He Who is praised. 802. Vaja-sanih: He Who provides for the nourishment of all His creation. 803. Sr’ngi: He Who had a horn in His matsya and varAha incarnations. 804. Jayantah: The Conquerer. 805. Sarva-vij-jayi: He Who is Omniscient and Victorious.

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    सुवर्णबिन्दुरक्षोभ्यः सर्ववागीश्वरेश्वरः । महाह्रदो महागर्तो महाभूतो महानिधिः ॥ ८६॥

    806. Suvarna-binduh: He Who has a beautiful form with golden-colored beautiful limbs 807. A-kshobhyah: He who is unshaken by desire. 808. Sarva-vag-isvara-isvarah: The Lord of all who has mastery over all words. 809. Maha-hradah: He Who has created the great oceans so that the Earth does not become completely dry and perish. 810. Maha-gartah: The Great Charioteer of Mahabharata fame. 811. Maha-bhutah: He Who considers great men as His own. 812. Maha-nidhih: He Who has the great treasure in the form of His devotees.