1. 91

    महर्षिः कपिलाचार्यः कृतज्ञो मेदिनीपतिः । त्रिपदस्त्रिदशाध्यक्षो महाश‍ृङ्गः कृतान्तकृत् ॥ ५७॥

    534. Maharshih: The Great Seer. 535. Kapilacaryah: He Who is a teacher. 536. Krtajnah: He Who remembers the good deed done. 537. Medinipatih: The Lord or Protector of the Earth. 538. Tripadah: He Who is in the form of pranava mantra with three letters. 539. Tridasadhyakshah: The Savior of the thirty-three gods. 540. Maha-sringah: The Big-tusked Varaha. 541. Kritantakrit: He who kills death himself.

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    महावराहो गोविन्दः सुषेणः कनकाङ्गदी । गुह्यो गभीरो गहनो गुप्तश्चक्रगदाधरः ॥ ५८॥

    542. Mahavarahah: He Who appeared in the form of the Great Boar. 543. Govindah: One who is praised by the gods. 544. Sushenah: He who is equipped with a body with suddha sattva sakti. 545. Kanakangadi: He Who is adorned by armlets of gold. 546. Guyhah: He who is concealed. 547. Gabhirah: He who is deep or mysterious. 548. Gahanah: He who is beyond comprehension and Inexplicable. 549. Guptah: He who is hidden. 550. Cakragadadharah: The bearer of the discus and the mace.

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    वेधाः स्वाङ्गोऽजितः कृष्णो दृढः सङ्कर्षणोऽच्युतः । वरुणो वारुणो वृक्षः पुष्कराक्षो महामनाः ॥ ५९॥

    551. Vedhah: The Provider. 552. Svangah: He who is both the Instrumental Cause and the Material Cause of the Universe. 553. Ajitah: He who is unconquered, and unconquerable. 554. Krshnah: One who is always in a state of Bliss and the Dark-hued. 555. Drdhah: He who assumes firm and concrete vyuha forms for the benefit of His devotees. 556. Sankarshanah: He who draws others near Him. 557. Acyutah: One who never slips from His glory. 558. Varunah: He who envelops. 559. Varunah: He who is with those who have sought Him as their Lord or svami. 560. Vrikshah: He who provides shade like a tree. 561. Pushkarakshah: He who has beautiful lotus-like eyes. 562. Maha-manah: He who has a great mind.

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    भगवान् भगहाऽऽनन्दी वनमाली हलायुधः । आदित्यो ज्योतिरादित्यः सहिष्णुर्गतिसत्तमः ॥ ६०॥

    563. Bhagavan: He who is worthy of worship. 564. Bhagaha: He who is possessed of auspicious qualities. 565. Nandi or anandi: He who has nanda as His father. 566. Vanamali: He who has the vanamala garland. 567. Halayudhah: One who has the plough in His hand. 568. Adityah: who was son of Aditi in her previous birth. 569. Jyotir-adityah: The Resplendent Sun 570 Sahishnuh: He who is endowed with enormous patience. 570. Gati-sattamah: The best instructor in the path of dharma.

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    सुधन्वा खण्डपरशुर्दारुणो द्रविणप्रदः । दिवस्पृक् सर्वदृग्व्यासो वाचस्पतिरयोनिजः ॥ ६१॥

    572. Sudhanva: He Who has a splendid bow. 573. Khanda-parasuh: He with the broken ax. 574. Darunah: He who is merciless to those who deviate from the path of virtue. 575. Dravina-pradah: The Bestower of wealth. 576. Divisprk: He who touches the skies. 577. Sarvadrk: He who is in the form of knowledge of all forms. 578. Vyasah: He who arranged the Vedas and the Puranas. 579. Vacas-patih: The Master of words. 580. Ayonijah: The Unborn.