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    अशोकस्तारणस्तारः शूरः शौरिर्जनेश्वरः । अनुकूलः शतावर्तः पद्मी पद्मनिभेक्षणः ॥ ३७॥

    338. A-sokah: The dispeller of sorrows. 339. Taranah: He who takes others to the other shore. 340. Tarah: The Savior. 341. Surah: The Valiant. 342. Saurih: The son of valiant people. 343. Janesvarah: The Lord of the people. 344. Anukulah: One who is within bounds. 345. Satavartah: He who has several incarnations to sustain dharma 346. Padmi: He who carries the lotus in His hand. 347. Padma-nibhekshanah: One who has eyes that resemble the lotus.

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    पद्मनाभोऽरविन्दाक्षः पद्मगर्भः शरीरभृत् । महर्द्धिरृद्धो वृद्धात्मा महाक्षो गरुडध्वजः ॥ ३८॥

    348. Padma-nabhah: One with a lotus-like navel. 349. Aravindakshah: The Lotus-eyed. 350. Padma-garbhah: He who is installed in a lotus. 351. Sarira-bhrt: The Protector of the bodies of everyone through food and life-energy. 352. Maharddhih: He of immense riches. 353. Rddhah: One who keeps growing; Prosperous. 354. Vrddhatma: One who is full-grown. 355. Mahakshah: One with Great Eyes. 356. Garuda-dvajah: One who has Garuda in His banner.

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    अतुलः शरभो भीमः समयज्ञो हविर्हरिः । सर्वलक्षणलक्षण्यो लक्ष्मीवान् समितिञ्जयः ॥ ३९॥

    257. Atulah: One who is the Incomparable. 358. Sarabhah: The Destroyer of evil. 359. Bhimah: The Formidable. 360. Samayajnah: The Knower of the conventions. 361. Havir-harih: Hari who is the recipient of the havis offered in the yajna. 362. Sarva-lakshna-lakshanyah: He who is the abode of all the auspicious qualities 363. Lakshmivan: He who is always with Lakshmi. 364. Samtinjayah: He who is victorious in battles.

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    विक्षरो रोहितो मार्गो हेतुर्दामोदरः सहः । महीधरो महाभागो वेगवानमिताशनः ॥ ४०॥

    365. Viksharah: He who never wanes. 366. Rohitah: He who is of red complexion. 367. Margah: He who is sought after. 368. Hetuh: The Cause. 369. Damodarah: One who was tied around His waist by ropes by Yashodha. 370. Sahah: He who has patience. 371. Mahidharah: The Supporter of the Earth. 372. Mahi-bhagah: He who is extremely Fortunate. 373. Vegavan: He who is quick. 374. Amitasanah: The voracious Eater.

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    उद्भवः क्षोभणो देवः श्रीगर्भः परमेश्वरः । करणं कारणं कर्ता विकर्ता गहनो गुहः ॥ ४१॥

    375. Udbhavah: He who removes and is beyond the bondage of samsara. 376. Khsobhanah: The Creator of beauty. 377. Devah: He who is the light. 378. Sri-garbhah: He who has Lakshmi in Him in the form of the Universe. 379. Paramesvarah: The Supreme God. 380. Karanam: The Means. 381. Karanam: The Cause. 382. Karta: The Agent. 383. Vikarta: He who undergoes modifications. 384. Gahanah: He who is deep. 385. Guhah: The Savior.