1. 73

    अतुलः शरभो भीमः समयज्ञो हविर्हरिः । सर्वलक्षणलक्षण्यो लक्ष्मीवान् समितिञ्जयः ॥ ३९॥

    257. Atulah: One who is the Incomparable. 358. Sarabhah: The Destroyer of evil. 359. Bhimah: The Formidable. 360. Samayajnah: The Knower of the conventions. 361. Havir-harih: Hari who is the recipient of the havis offered in the yajna. 362. Sarva-lakshna-lakshanyah: He who is the abode of all the auspicious qualities 363. Lakshmivan: He who is always with Lakshmi. 364. Samtinjayah: He who is victorious in battles.