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  1. /mahabharat/adi-parva/202/24

    निवृत्तकृषिगॊरक्षा विध्वस्तनगराश्रमा अस्थि कङ्काल संकीर्णा भूर बभूवॊग्र दर्शना ।। १-२०२-२४ ।। nivRttakRSigòrakSA vidhvastanagarAzramA asthi kaGkAla saMkIrNA bhUra babhUvògra darzanA || 1-202-24 || 'Agriculture lay neglected, cattle untended, Towns and asylums turned desolate, Strewn with bones and skeletons, The earth took on a frightful aspect.' ।। 1-202-24 ।।
  2. /caraka-samhita/sutra-sthana/23/10

    त्रिफलारग्वधं पाठां सप्तपर्णं सवत्सकम्| मुस्तं समदनं निम्बं जलेनोत्क्वथितं पिबेत् ||१०||triphalAragvadhaM pAThAM saptaparNaM savatsakam| mustaM samadanaM nimbaM jalenotkvathitaM pibet ||10||The decoction of triphala (amalaki (Emblica officinalis), bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and haritaki (Terminalia chebula)), aragvadha (Cassia fistula), patha (Cissampelos pareira), saptaparna (Alstonia scholaris), vatsaka (Holarrhena antidysenterica), musta (Cyperus rotundus), madana (Randia dumetorum) and nimba (Azadirachta indica), mixed together and boiled in water, is advised for consumption regularly.
  3. /caraka-samhita/sutra-sthana/23/9

    सक्षौद्रश्चाभयाप्राशः प्रायो रूक्षान्नसेवनम्| चूर्णप्रदेहा ये चोक्ताः कण्डूकोठविनाशनाः ||९||sakSaudrazcAbhayAprAzaH prAyo rUkSAnnasevanam| cUrNapradehA ye coktAH kaNDUkoThavinAzanAH ||9||Formulations made up of haritaki(Terminalia Chebula), such as agastyaharitaki mixed with honey, habituating with ruksha food (i.e., without using unctuous substances like oil, ghee etc.), those powders and poultice described in treatment of pruritus and urticaria (mentioned in the third chapter of this section) are advised.
  4. /caraka-samhita/sutra-sthana/23/8

    शस्तमुल्लेखनं तत्र विरेको रक्तमोक्षणम्| व्यायामश्चोपवासश्च धूमाश्च स्वेदनानि च ||८||zastamullekhanaM tatra vireko raktamokSaNam| vyAyAmazcopavAsazca dhUmAzca svedanAni ca ||8||[Management of santarpana-induced diseases] Santarpaniya vyadhis and their complications should be managed by ullekhana(therapeutic emesis), virechana (therapeutic purgation), raktamokshana(blood-letting), specific exercises, therapeutic fasting, dhooma (hot fomentation with smoke of medicinal plants), and swedana(sudation).
  5. /mahabharat/adi-parva/202/23

    हाहाभूता भयार्ता च निवृत्तविपणापणा निवृत्तदेवकार्या च पुण्यॊद्वाह विवर्जिता ।। १-२०२-२३ ।। hAhAbhUtA bhayArtA ca nivRttavipaNApaNA nivRttadevakAryA ca puNyòdvAha vivarjitA || 1-202-23 || 'The terrified populace cried out in anguish, and all commerce came to a standstill. Religious rituals ceased entirely, and the earth became devoid of sacred ceremonies and weddings.' ।। 1-202-23 ।।
  6. /caraka-samhita/sutra-sthana/23/7

    इन्द्रियस्रोतसां लेपो बुद्धेर्मोहः प्रमीलकः| शोफाश्चैवंविधाश्चान्ये शीघ्रमप्रतिकुर्वतः ||७||indriyasrotasAM lepo buddhermohaH pramIlakaH| zophAzcaivaMvidhAzcAnye zIghramapratikurvataH ||7||dysuria, anorexia or appetite related complaints, tandra (drowsiness/sleepiness), klaibya (erectile and sexual dysfunctions), obesity, laziness, heaviness of the body, adhesion or blockages in the channels as well as sense organs, delusion, various types of edema, and such of other diseases.
  7. /caraka-samhita/sutra-sthana/23/5

    रोगास्तस्योपजायन्ते सन्तर्पणनिमित्तजाः| प्रमेहपिडकाकोठकण्डूपाण्ड्वामयज्वराः ||५||rogAstasyopajAyante santarpaNanimittajAH| pramehapiDakAkoThakaNDUpANDvAmayajvarAH ||5||[List of santarpana induced diseases] Due to above mentioned causative factors, if the effects of santarpana are not treated properly, one suffers from various diseases
  8. /mahabharat/adi-parva/202/22

    निवृत्तयज्ञस्वाध्याया परणष्टनृपतिद्विजा उत्सन्नॊत्सव यज्ञा च बभूव वसुधा तदा ।। १-२०२-२२ ।। nivRttayajJasvAdhyAyA paraNaSTanRpatidvijA utsannòtsava yajJA ca babhUva vasudhA tadA || 1-202-22 || 'Sacrifice and study ceased, kings and Brahmanas were exterminated, and the earth became utterly devoid of rituals and festivals.' ।। 1-202-22 ।।
  9. /caraka-samhita/sutra-sthana/23/6

    कुष्ठान्यामप्रदोषाश्च मूत्रकृच्छ्रमरोचकः| तन्द्रा क्लैब्यमतिस्थौल्यमालस्यं गुरुगात्रता ||६||kuSThAnyAmapradoSAzca mUtrakRcchramarocakaH| tandrA klaibyamatisthaulyamAlasyaM gurugAtratA ||6||such as obstinate urinary disorders including diabetes, carbuncles, urticaria, itching, pandu (anaemia), amaja diseases (i.e., due to formation of ama), jwara,obstinate skin diseases, diseases secondary to vitiation of ama,
  10. /caraka-samhita/sutra-sthana/23/4

    गोरसैर्गौडिकैश्चान्नैः पैष्टिकैश्चातिमात्रशः| चेष्टाद्वेषी दिवास्वप्नशय्यासनसुखे रतः ||४||gorasairgauDikaizcAnnaiH paiSTikaizcAtimAtrazaH| ceSTAdveSI divAsvapnazayyAsanasukhe rataH ||4||cow’s milk and its products, and those prepared with sugar or molasses, varieties of cakes lead to santarpana. Those who indulge in sedentary, inactive lifestyles and sleep during the day are prone to santarpaniya vyadhis (i.e. santarpana induced diseases).