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    त्रिसामा सामगः साम निर्वाणं भेषजं भिषक् । संन्यासकृच्छमः शान्तो निष्ठा शान्तिः परायणम् ॥ ६२॥

    581. Tri-sama: He who is propounded by the three-fold Sama Veda. 582. Sama-gah: The singer of Sama. 583. Sama: He who removes the sins of those who sing about Him. 584. Nirvanam: He who is the cause of Bliss to His devotees. 585. Bheshajam: The Remedy. 586. Bhishak: The Physician. 587. Sannyasa-krt: He who leads you to sanyassa. 588. Samah: He who instructs on how to control anger. 589. Santah: He whose mind is always tranquil. 590. Nishtha: The object of concentration. 591. Santih: Peace and the object of meditation. 592. Parayanam: The Ultimate Means.

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    शुभाङ्गः शान्तिदः स्रष्टा कुमुदः कुवलेशयः । गोहितो गोपतिर्गोप्ता वृषभाक्षो वृषप्रियः ॥ ६३॥

    593. Subhangah: He Who has a handsome form. 594. Santi-dah: The bestower of eternal peace. 595. Srashta: The Creator. 596. Ku-mudah: He who is happy in His relation to this world in various forms. 597. Kuvalesayah: He who is reclining in the waters surrounding this earth. 598. Gohitah: He who looks after the welfare of the world. 599. Gopatih: The Lord of the Celestial world. 600. Gopta: The Protector. 601. Vrshabhakshah: He who is the Support for the cycle of samsara in the form of dharma. 602. Vrshapriyah: He who is dear to the virtuous.

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    अनिवर्ती निवृत्तात्मा सङ्क्षेप्ता क्षेमकृच्छिवः । श्रीवत्सवक्षाः श्रीवासः श्रीपतिः श्रीमतांवरः ॥ ६४॥

    603. Anivarti: He Who does not turn away from dharma under any circumstance. 604. Nivrttatma: He whose Nature is superior to everything. 605. Samkshepta: He who constrains or limits. 606. Kshema-krt: He who does what is good for His devotees. 607. Sivah: He who gives auspicious things to His devotees. 608. Srivatsa-vakshah: He who has the Srivatsa mole on His chest. 609. Sri-vasah: The Abode of Lakshmi. 610. Sri-patih: The Consort of Lakshmi 611. Srimatam-varah: The Best Among those who possess affluence and knowledge.

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    श्रीदः श्रीशः श्रीनिवासः श्रीनिधिः श्रीविभावनः । श्रीधरः श्रीकरः श्रेयः श्रीमाँल्लोकत्रयाश्रयः ॥ ६५॥

    612. Sridah: The Giver of Glories. om Sridaya namh. 613. SriSah: He Who is the lord of Sri. 614. Srinivasah: He who is in The Abode of Lakshmi. 615. Srinidhih: He in whom Lakshmi or wealth resides. 616. Srivibhavanah: He who owes His greatness to Lakshmi. 617. Sridharah: The Bearer of Sri. 618. Srikarah: He who is with Lakshmi in his incarnations. 619. Sreyas-sriman: He who has Lakshmi who is resorted to by devotees for attaining the good. 620. Loka-trayasrayah: He Who is the Resort for all three worlds.

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    स्वक्षः स्वङ्गः शतानन्दो नन्दिर्ज्योतिर्गणेश्वरः । विजितात्माऽविधेयात्मा सत्कीर्तिश्छिन्नसंशयः ॥ ६६॥

    621. Svakshah: The Beautiful-Eyed. 622. Sva’ngah: The Lovely-bodied. 623. SatAnandah: He of infinite Bliss. 624. Nandih: He who is ever delighted. 625. Jyotir-gaNeSvarah: The Lord of the host of lustrous deities. 626. Vijitatma: He whose mind has been conquered by devotees. 627. Vidheyatma: He who has the jiva-s as subservient to Him. 628. Sat-kirtih: He of true renown. 629. Chinna-samSayah: The Dispeller of all doubts.