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    स्वक्षः स्वङ्गः शतानन्दो नन्दिर्ज्योतिर्गणेश्वरः । विजितात्माऽविधेयात्मा सत्कीर्तिश्छिन्नसंशयः ॥ ६६॥

    621. Svakshah: The Beautiful-Eyed. 622. Sva’ngah: The Lovely-bodied. 623. SatAnandah: He of infinite Bliss. 624. Nandih: He who is ever delighted. 625. Jyotir-gaNeSvarah: The Lord of the host of lustrous deities. 626. Vijitatma: He whose mind has been conquered by devotees. 627. Vidheyatma: He who has the jiva-s as subservient to Him. 628. Sat-kirtih: He of true renown. 629. Chinna-samSayah: The Dispeller of all doubts.