1. 46

    वसुर्वसुमनाः सत्यः समात्माऽसम्मितः समः । अमोघः पुण्डरीकाक्षो वृषकर्मा वृषाकृतिः ॥ १२॥

    105. Vasuh: One who dwells in the hearts of His devotees. 106. Vasumanah: One who has a good mind. 107. Satyah: The Truth. 108. Samatma: One who has a balanced mind. 109. Sammitah: The One Truth who is accepted by the Risihis and revealed in the Upanishads. 110. Samah: One who treats all His devotees equally. 111. Amoghah: One who always gives fruits to those who worship him. 112. Pundarikakshah: One whose eyes are beautiful like the lotus flower. 113. Vrishakarma: One who is of righteous actions. 114. Vrishakriti: One who is an embodiment of dharma.

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    रुद्रो बहुशिरा बभ्रुर्विश्वयोनिः शुचिश्रवाः । अमृतः शाश्वतस्थाणुर्वरारोहो महातपाः ॥ १३॥

    115. Rudrah: One who destroys misery. 116. Bahu-sirah: One who is multi-headed. 117. Babhruh: The Supporter. 118. Visva-yonih: The cause of this world. 119. Suci-sravah: One who listens to words that are pure. 120. Amritah: One who is nectar to His devotees. 121. Sasvata-sthanuh: One who is Eternally Firm. 122. Vararohah: One who is the most supreme object of attainment. 123. Maha-tapah: One who is endowed with great knowledge.

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    सर्वगः सर्वविद्भानुर्विष्वक्सेनो जनार्दनः । वेदो वेदविदव्यङ्गो वेदाङ्गो वेदवित् कविः ॥ १४॥

    124. Sarva-gah: One who reaches all. 125. Sarva-vit: One who is the All-knower. 126. Bhanuh: One who shines. 127. Vishvak-senah: One who has his army for the protection of all. 128. Janardanah: One who destroys the wicked and protects people. 129. Vedah: One who is the embodiment of scriptures. 130. Vedavit: The true knower of the meaning of the Vedas. 131. Avyangah: One who has no imperfections. 132. Vedangah: One who has Vedas as his body. 133. Vedavit: One who knows the true meaning of Vedas. 134. Kavih: One who cognizes beyond ordinary perception.

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    लोकाध्यक्षः सुराध्यक्षो धर्माध्यक्षः कृताकृतः । चतुरात्मा चतुर्व्यूहश्चतुर्दंष्ट्रश्चतुर्भुजः ॥ १५॥

    135. Lokadhyakshah: Lord of the worlds. 136. Suradhyakshah: Master of the devas. 137. Dharmadhyakshah: Master of dharma. 138. Kritakritah: The giver of blessings. 139. Caturatma: One whose Self has a four-fold manifestation. 140. Catur-vyuhah: One with four forms. 141. Catur-damshtrah: Four teeth. 142. Catur-bhujah: One with four arms.

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    भ्राजिष्णुर्भोजनं भोक्ता सहिष्णुर्जगदादिजः । अनघो विजयो जेता विश्वयोनिः पुनर्वसुः ॥ १६॥

    143. Bhrajishnuh: One who is effulgent. 144. Bhojanam: One who is the object of enjoyment. 145. Bhokta: One who Enjoys. 146. Sahishnuh: The Forgiver. 147. Jagadadijah: He who was born at the beginning of the Universe. 148. Anaghah: One who is uncontaminated and pure. 149. Vijayah: One who is victorious. 150. Jeta: The conqueror. 151. Visva-yonih: The Cause of the Universe. 152. Punarvasuh: One who lives again and again as the antaratma of all his creations.