1. 6

    यस्य स्मरणमात्रेण जन्मसंसारबन्धनात् । विमुच्यते नमस्तस्मै विष्णवे प्रभविष्णवे ॥ ६॥

    Bow I before Him, The all-powerful Vishnu, The mere thought of whom. Releases one forever, Of the ties of birth and life. Bow I before the all-powerful Vishnu.

  2. 7

    श्रीवैशम्पायन उवाच --- श्रुत्वा धर्मानशेषेण पावनानि च सर्वशः । युधिष्ठिरः शान्तनवं पुनरेवाभ्यभाषत ॥ ७॥

    Sri Vaisampayana said:- After hearing a lot, About Dharma that carries life, And of those methods great, That removes sins from one’s life, Forever and to cleanse, Yudhishtra asked again, Bheeshma, the abode of everlasting peace.

  3. 8

    युधिष्ठिर उवाच --- किमेकं दैवतं लोके किं वाप्येकं परायणम् । स्तुवन्तः कं कमर्चन्तः प्राप्नुयुर्मानवाः शुभम् ॥ ८॥

    Yudhishthira asked: Oh Grandpa, "Who is the one supreme deity in the world, and what is the one ultimate refuge for all beings? Who, when praised, brings auspiciousness to people?"

  4. 9

    को धर्मः सर्वधर्माणां भवतः परमो मतः । किं जपन्मुच्यते जन्तुर्जन्मसंसारबन्धनात् ॥ ९॥

    What is the ultimate duty of all duties, and what is considered as the highest virtue by you? Owing to the bondage of worldly existence, what can free a person?

  5. 10

    भीष्म उवाच --- जगत्प्रभुं देवदेवमनन्तं पुरुषोत्तमम् । स्तुवन् नामसहस्रेण पुरुषः सततोत्थितः ॥ १०॥

    Bheeshma Replied:- That Purusha with endless devotion, Who chants a thousand names, Of He who is the lord of the Universe, Of He who is the God of gods, Of He who is limitless, Would get free, From these bondages of life.