1. 96

    त्रिसामा सामगः साम निर्वाणं भेषजं भिषक् । संन्यासकृच्छमः शान्तो निष्ठा शान्तिः परायणम् ॥ ६२॥

    581. Tri-sama: He who is propounded by the three-fold Sama Veda. 582. Sama-gah: The singer of Sama. 583. Sama: He who removes the sins of those who sing about Him. 584. Nirvanam: He who is the cause of Bliss to His devotees. 585. Bheshajam: The Remedy. 586. Bhishak: The Physician. 587. Sannyasa-krt: He who leads you to sanyassa. 588. Samah: He who instructs on how to control anger. 589. Santah: He whose mind is always tranquil. 590. Nishtha: The object of concentration. 591. Santih: Peace and the object of meditation. 592. Parayanam: The Ultimate Means.