1. 97

    शुभाङ्गः शान्तिदः स्रष्टा कुमुदः कुवलेशयः । गोहितो गोपतिर्गोप्ता वृषभाक्षो वृषप्रियः ॥ ६३॥

    593. Subhangah: He Who has a handsome form. 594. Santi-dah: The bestower of eternal peace. 595. Srashta: The Creator. 596. Ku-mudah: He who is happy in His relation to this world in various forms. 597. Kuvalesayah: He who is reclining in the waters surrounding this earth. 598. Gohitah: He who looks after the welfare of the world. 599. Gopatih: The Lord of the Celestial world. 600. Gopta: The Protector. 601. Vrshabhakshah: He who is the Support for the cycle of samsara in the form of dharma. 602. Vrshapriyah: He who is dear to the virtuous.