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    अनिवर्ती निवृत्तात्मा सङ्क्षेप्ता क्षेमकृच्छिवः । श्रीवत्सवक्षाः श्रीवासः श्रीपतिः श्रीमतांवरः ॥ ६४॥

    603. Anivarti: He Who does not turn away from dharma under any circumstance. 604. Nivrttatma: He whose Nature is superior to everything. 605. Samkshepta: He who constrains or limits. 606. Kshema-krt: He who does what is good for His devotees. 607. Sivah: He who gives auspicious things to His devotees. 608. Srivatsa-vakshah: He who has the Srivatsa mole on His chest. 609. Sri-vasah: The Abode of Lakshmi. 610. Sri-patih: The Consort of Lakshmi 611. Srimatam-varah: The Best Among those who possess affluence and knowledge.