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    अशोकस्तारणस्तारः शूरः शौरिर्जनेश्वरः । अनुकूलः शतावर्तः पद्मी पद्मनिभेक्षणः ॥ ३७॥

    338. A-sokah: The dispeller of sorrows. 339. Taranah: He who takes others to the other shore. 340. Tarah: The Savior. 341. Surah: The Valiant. 342. Saurih: The son of valiant people. 343. Janesvarah: The Lord of the people. 344. Anukulah: One who is within bounds. 345. Satavartah: He who has several incarnations to sustain dharma 346. Padmi: He who carries the lotus in His hand. 347. Padma-nibhekshanah: One who has eyes that resemble the lotus.