1. 35

    स्तोत्रम् । हरिः ॐ । विश्वं विष्णुर्वषट्कारो भूतभव्यभवत्प्रभुः । भूतकृद्भूतभृद्भावो भूतात्मा भूतभावनः ॥ १॥

    1. Vishvam: He who is the Universe, reason for Universe, the entire being. 2. Vishnu: He who isAll Pervading, Omnipresent, Remover of darkness. 3. Vashatkara: One who controls and directs. 4. Bhuta-Bhavya-Bhavat-Prabhu: Lord of past, present, and the future. 5. Bhuta-Krit: Creator of all beings. 6. Bhuta-Bhrt: The sustainer of all beings. 7. Bhavah: He who exists with all the splendor and independent of anything else. 8. Bhutatma: The Atma or soul of all beings. 9. Bhuta-bhavanah: One who nourishes and nurtures all beings.