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    भारभृत् कथितो योगी योगीशः सर्वकामदः । आश्रमः श्रमणः क्षामः सुपर्णो वायुवाहनः ॥ ९१॥

    851. Bhara-bhrt: He Who shoulders the burden. 852. Kathitah: He Whose greatness is extolled by all the Vedas, Puranas, etc. 853. Yogi: He Who is endowed with super-human powers. 854. Yogisah: He Who is the foremost Lord of all yogins. 855. Sarva-kama-dah: He Who bestows all desires. 856. Asramah: He Who provides an abode of rest for the seekers. 857. Sramanah: He Who makes it possible to continue the effort of uncompleted yoga in the next birth. 858. Ksamah: He Who alone is left behind at the time of pralaya. 859. Suparnah: One Who has beautiful wings, and He has suparna – Garuda as His vahana. 860. Vayu-vahanah: He Who makes the wind flow for the benefit of sustaining life.