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    धनुर्धरो धनुर्वेदो दण्डो दमयिता दमः । अपराजितः सर्वसहो नियन्ताऽनियमोऽयमः ॥ ९२॥

    861. Dhanur-dharah: The wielder of the bow. 862. Dhanur-vedah: The Propounder of the science of archery. 863. Dandah: He Who is verily the weapon (power) of Yama – the danda. 864. Damayita: The Subduer of the enemies of His devotees. 865. A-damah: He Who is not subdued by anyone. 866. A-parajitah: He Who is invincible. 867. Sarva-sahah: The Supporter of all the other deities. 868. Niyanta: He Who directs. 869. Niyamah: He Who controls. 870. Yamah: He Who is beyond yama or mrityu.