1. 89

    जीवो विनयिता साक्षी मुकुन्दोऽमितविक्रमः । अम्भोनिधिरनन्तात्मा महोदधिशयोऽन्तकः ॥ ५५॥

    515. Jivah: He who gives life to His devotees. 516. Vinayita: He who shows the path to everyone. 517. Sakshi: The witness. 518. Mukundah: He who gives moksha. 519. Amita-vikramah: He of boundless valor. 520. Ambho-nidhih: He who has the waters as His abode 521. Anantatma: The Inner Soul of ananta. 522. Mahodadhi-sayah: He Who is reclining in the vast ocean. 523. Antakah: He Who brings out the end of all.