1. 86

    गभस्तिनेमिः सत्त्वस्थः सिंहो भूतमहेश्वरः । आदिदेवो महादेवो देवेशो देवभृद्गुरुः ॥ ५२॥

    487. Gabhasti-nemih: He who has the effulgent chakra as His weapon. 488. Sattva-sthah: He who is in the hearts of the devotees. 489. Simhah: He who took the Narasimha form. 490. Bhuta-mahesvarah: The Supreme Lord of all beings. 491. Adi-devah: He who is the first cause and is endowed with effulgence. 492. Maha-devah: The greatest god. 493. Devesah: The Ruler of Gods. 494. Deva-bhrit: The Supporter of gods. 495. Guruh: The teacher.