1. 81

    अनिर्विण्णः स्थविष्ठोऽभूर्धर्मयूपो महामखः । नक्षत्रनेमिर्नक्षत्री क्षमः क्षामः समीहनः ॥ ४७॥

    436. Anirvinnah: He who is never despondent. 437. Sthavishthah: He who is Immense. 438. Bhuh: The supporter. 439. Dharma-yupah: He who is united with dharma. 440. Maha-makhah: The Great yajna-svarupi. 441. Nakshatra-nemih: He who makes the stars move. 442. Nakshatri: He who is the stars. 443. Kshamah: He who is competent. 444. Kshamah: He who is in a diminished form. 445. Samihanah: He who establishes and assigns duties to all others.