1. 85

    धर्मगुब्धर्मकृद्धर्मी सदसत्क्षरमक्षरम् । अविज्ञाता सहस्रांशुर्विधाता कृतलक्षणः ॥ ५१॥

    476. Dharma-gup: He who protects dharma. 477. Dharma-krt: He who induces His devotees to follow dharma. 478. Dharmi: He who has dharma as an instrument. 479. Sat: He who is commendable. 480. Aksharam (sat): He whose existence is never diminished or destroyed in any way. 481. A-sat: That which does not exist now, but existed in the past as well as future. 482. Asat-ksharam: He who moves away from the bad. 483. Avijnata: The Non-cognizant. 484. Sahasramsuh: He who has a thousand rays 485. Vidhata: The Supreme Controller. 486. Krta-lakshanah: He who has prescribed the distinguishing characteristics for the pious.