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    भूर्भुवःस्वस्तरुस्तारः सविता प्रपितामहः । यज्ञो यज्ञपतिर्यज्वा यज्ञाङ्गो यज्ञवाहनः ॥ १०४॥

    967. Bhoor-bhuvas-svas-taruh: One who nurtures the three lokas. 968. Tarrah: One who helps all to cross –over. 969. Savitaa: He who is the eternal father of the entire Universe. 970. Pra-pitaamahah: He who is the father of even the Father of all Beings. 971. Yajnah: One whose very nature is yajna. 972. Yajna-patih: The lord of all yajnas. 973. Yajvaa: The one who performs Yajna according to the strict prescriptions laid down in Vedas. 974. Yajnaangah: One whose limbs are employed in Yajna. 975. Yajna-vaahanah: One who fulfills Yajnas.