1. 137

    प्रमाणं प्राणनिलयः प्राणभृत्प्राणजीवनः । तत्त्वं तत्त्वविदेकात्मा जन्ममृत्युजरातिगः ॥ १०३॥

    959. Pramaanam: He whose very form is the Vedas. 960. Praananilayah: He in whom all praanas stand established. 961. Praana-brit: He who rules over all Praanas 962. Praana-jeevanah: He who maintains the life-birth in all living creatures 963. Tattvam: He who isthe Reality that which is eternal 964. Tattvavit: One who has realized fully the reality. 965. Ekaatmaa: Supersoul in the universe. 966. Janma-mrityu-jaraa-atigah: One who has no change or modifications in Himself