1. 139

    यज्ञभृद् यज्ञकृद् यज्ञी यज्ञभुग् यज्ञसाधनः । यज्ञान्तकृद् यज्ञगुह्यमन्नमन्नाद एव च ॥ १०५॥

    976. Yajna-bhrit: the ruler of the Yajnas. 977. Yajna-Krit: One who performs Yajna 978. Yajnee: One who is a constant ‘Enjoyer’ of the perpetual Yajnas. 979. Yajnee: All that is offered into the sacred Fire during a Yajna. 980. Yajna-saadhanah: One who fulfills all Yajnas. 981. Yajnaantakrit: One who performs the last act in all Yajnas. 982. yagna-guhyam: One who is the most profound truth to be realized in all yajnas. 983. Annam: One who has himself become the food. 984. Annaadah: One who eats the food.