1. 127

    सत्त्ववान् सात्त्विकः सत्यः सत्यधर्मपरायणः । अभिप्रायः प्रियार्होऽर्हः प्रियकृत् प्रीतिवर्धनः ॥ ९३॥

    871. Sattva-van: He Who controls the sattva guna that paves the way for liberation. 872. Sattvikah: He Who confers the fruits of sattva guna. 873. Satyah: One Who is well-disposed towards pious souls. 874. Satya-dharma-parayanah: He Who is pleased with the true dharma practiced by His devotees. 875. Abhiprayah: He Who is the object of choice. 876. Priyarhah: He Who is rightly the object of love. 877. Arhah: The greatest Lord to be worshipped. 878. Priya-krt: He Who does what is wanted by others. 879. Priti-vardhanah: Who increases the joy of His devotees.