1. 105

    ब्रह्मण्यो ब्रह्मकृद् ब्रह्मा ब्रह्म ब्रह्मविवर्धनः । ब्रह्मविद् ब्राह्मणो ब्रह्मी ब्रह्मज्ञो ब्राह्मणप्रियः ॥ ७१॥

    667. Brahmanyah: He who is beneficial to anyone pursuing Brahman. 668. Brahma-krt-brahma: The Creator Who created Brahma. 669. Brahma: The Supreme Brahman, Paramatma. 670. Brahma-vivardhanah: He Who grows and nurtures everything in a big way. 671. Brahmavit: The Knower of the Vedas. 672. Brahmanah: The Instructor of the Vedas. 673. Brahmi: He who possesses all the brahmanic qualities. 674. Brahmanjah: The Knower of the inner meaning of the Vedas. 675. Brahmana-priyah: He Who is specially liked by the brahamanas.