1. 40

    अप्रमेयो हृषीकेशः पद्मनाभोऽमरप्रभुः । विश्वकर्मा मनुस्त्वष्टा स्थविष्ठः स्थविरो ध्रुवः ॥ ६॥

    46. Aprameyah: One who cannot be defined but who can only be experienced. 47. Hrshikesah: Controller of the sense-organs. 48. Padma-Nabhah: One from whose navel the universe emanates. 49. Amara-Prabhuh: The Lord of the immortal gods. 50. Visva Karma: The Creator of the Universe. 51. Manuh: The Great Thinker. 52. Tvashta: One who created all the different forms and names in this Universe. 53. Sthavishthah: One who is huge in size. 54. Sthavirah: One who has always existed. 55. Dhruvah: One who is unaffected by Time, Unchanging, Permanent.