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    सनात्सनातनतमः कपिलः कपिरव्ययः । स्वस्तिदः स्वस्तिकृत्स्वस्ति स्वस्तिभुक्स्वस्तिदक्षिणः ॥ ९६॥

    897. Sanat: The Object of enjoyment. 898. Sanatana-tamah: The Most Ancient. 899. Kapilah: He Who is of beautiful complexion. 900. Kapir-avyayah: He Who enjoys the never-diminishing Bliss. 901. Svasti-dah: The Giver of Auspiciousness. 902. Svasti-krt: The Doer of good to the devotees. 903. Svasti: He Who is Auspiciousness. 904. Svasti-bhuk: The Protector of all that is auspicious. 905. Svasti-dakshinah: He Who gives auspicious things as Dakshina to his devotees.