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    समावर्तोऽनिवृत्तात्मा दुर्जयो दुरतिक्रमः । दुर्लभो दुर्गमो दुर्गो दुरावासो दुरारिहा ॥ ८३॥

    779. Samavartah: He Who takes incarnations again and again for the benefit of His devotees. 780. Nivrttatma: He whose mind is turned away from worldly attachments. 781. Dur-jayah: He Who is Invincible. 782. Dur-atikramah: He Who cannot be bypassed by those who seek relief from samsaraw 785. Dur-gah: He Whose realization is constrained by our own limitations. 786. Dur-avasah: He whose place of residence (Sri vaikunTham) is not easy to attain. 787. Durari-ha: The Dispeller of the evil-minded enemies.