1. 116

    चतुर्मूर्तिश्चतुर्बाहुश्चतुर्व्यूहश्चतुर्गतिः । चतुरात्मा चतुर्भावश्चतुर्वेदविदेकपात् ॥ ८२॥

    771. Chatur-murtih: He of Four Forms. 772. Chatur-bahuh: The Four-armed. 773. Chatur-vyuhah: He of the form of four forms. 774. Chatur-gatih: He Who is in the form of the four purusharthas. 775. Chatur-atma: He Who has four forms in His vyUha incarnation. 776. Chatur-bhavah: The Source of the four – varnas, asramas, purursharthas, etc. 777. Chatur-veda-vit: He Who is the Knower of the four Vedas. 778. Eka-pat: He Whose manifestation in the form of this Universe is only one-fourth of Himself.