1. 79

    ऋतुः सुदर्शनः कालः परमेष्ठी परिग्रहः । उग्रः संवत्सरो दक्षो विश्रामो विश्वदक्षिणः ॥ ४५॥

    417. Rtuh: He who is the Seasons 418. Sudarsanah: He who provides auspicious vision. 419. Kalah: He who measures everyone’s karma and doles out the phala. 420. Parameshthi: He who resides in the Supreme Abode, Sriviakuntham. 421. Parigrahah: He who takes all with Him. 422. Ugrah: The Formidable. 423. Samvatsarah: He in whom everything resides. 424. Dakshah: He who is quick in action. 425. Visramah: The Place of Rest. 426. Visva-dakshinah: He who is well-disposed towards all.