1. 60

    सुप्रसादः प्रसन्नात्मा विश्वधृग्विश्वभुग्विभुः । सत्कर्ता सत्कृतः साधुर्जह्नुर्नारायणो नरः ॥ २६॥

    238. Su-prasadah: The Giver of good favors. 239. Prasannatma: He with a delightful nature. 240. Visva-srit: The Creator of the Universe. 241. Visvabhug-vibhuh: He who pervades all things and protects them. 242. Satkarta: He who honors the good. 243. Satkritah: He who is worshipped by the sadhus. 244. Sadhuh: One who carries out the wishes of his devotees. 245. Jahnuh: The Concealer. 246. Narayanah: The Supporter of all the souls. 247. Narah: He who is imperishable.