1. 51

    उपेन्द्रो वामनः प्रांशुरमोघः शुचिरूर्जितः । अतीन्द्रः सङ्ग्रहः सर्गो धृतात्मा नियमो यमः ॥ १७॥

    153. Upendrah: One who appeared as the younger brother of Indra. 154. Vamanah: One with the Dwarf form. 155. Pramsuh: one who is big. 156. Amoghah: One whose acts are never purposeless. 157. Sucih: One who is Pure. 158. Urjitah: One who is endowed with good strength. 159. Atindrah: One who is lord of Indra. 160. Samgrahah: He who is easily reached. 161. Sargah: The creator of Himself. 162. Dhritatma: The supporter of all the jivatmas. 163. Niyamah: The Controller. 164. Yamah: The Ruler.