1. 29

    भूः पादौ यस्य नाभिर्वियदसुरनिलश्चन्द्र सूर्यौ च नेत्रे कर्णावाशाः शिरो द्यौर्मुखमपि दहनो यस्य वास्तेयमब्धिः । अन्तःस्थं यस्य विश्वं सुरनरखगगोभोगिगन्धर्वदैत्यैः चित्रं रंरम्यते तं त्रिभुवन वपुषं विष्णुमीशं नमामि ॥ २॥

    I bow before that God, Vishnu Who is the lord of three worlds, Who has earth as his feet, Who has air as his soul, Who has the sky as his belly, Who has moon and sun as eyes, Who has the four directions as ears, Who has the land of gods as head, Who has fire as his mouth, Who has the sea as his stomach, And in whose belly play and enjoy, Gods, men birds, animals, Serpent men, Gandharvas, and Asuras.