1. 141

    शङ्खभृन्नन्दकी चक्री शार्ङ्गधन्वा गदाधरः । रथाङ्गपाणिरक्षोभ्यः सर्वप्रहरणायुधः ॥ १०७॥

    993. Samkha-bhrit: One who has the divine conch named Paanchajanya. 994. Nandakee: The lord’s sword is called Nandaka. 995. Chakree: one who carries the discus called Sudarsana. 996. Saarnga-dhanvaa: One who aims his unerring bow called Saarnga. 997. Gadda-dharah: One who holds his divine club (Mace) celebrated as Kaumodakee. 998. Rathanga-paanih: One who has the wheel of the chariot as his weapon. 999. Akshobhyah: One who cannot be exasperated by anyone. 1000. Sarva-praharanaayudhah: He who has all implements for all kinds of assault and fight.