1. 134

    अनन्तरूपोऽनन्तश्रीर्जितमन्युर्भयापहः । चतुरश्रो गभीरात्मा विदिशो व्यादिशो दिशः ॥ १००॥

    932. Ananta-rupah: He of infinite Forms. 933. Ananta-srih: He of infinite wealth, glory, power, etc. 934. Jita-manyuh: He Who has conquered His anger. 935. Bayapahah: He Who destroys the fear in the mind of the devotee. 936. Chatur-asrah: One Who is skilled in all aspects. 937. Gabhiratma: He of deep and profound nature. 938. Vidisah: One Who can be reached from all directions. 939. Vyadisah: He Who appoints the different gods in their respective positions. 940. Disah: He Who commands.