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    युगादिकृद्युगावर्तो नैकमायो महाशनः । अदृश्यो व्यक्तरूपश्च सहस्रजिदनन्तजित् ॥ ३३॥

    301. Yugadi-krt: The Creator at the beginning of a yuga. 302. Yugavartah: He who revolves the yugas. 303. Naika-mayah: He who is responsible for wonders. 304. Mahasanah: He who is a voracious eater. 305. Adrsyah: He Who cannot be seen. 306. Vyakta-rupah: He of a manifest form. 307. Sahasra-jit: The Conqueror of thousands. 308. Ananta-jit: One whose victory is endless.