1. 53

    महाबुद्धिर्महावीर्यो महाशक्तिर्महाद्युतिः । अनिर्देश्यवपुः श्रीमानमेयात्मा महाद्रिधृक् ॥ १९॥

    175. Maha-buddhih: He of infinite knowledge. 176. Maha-vIryah: He of great virility and strength. 177. Maha-Saktih: Of immense power. 178. Maha-dyutih: He of great splendor. 179. Anirdesya-vapuh: He who possesses an indescribable body. 180. SrIman: Possessed of beauty. 181. Ameyatma: He of an incomprehensible nature. 182. Mahadri-dhrit: The bearer of the great mountain.