1. 16

    पवित्राणां पवित्रं यो मङ्गलानां च मङ्गलम् । दैवतं दैवतानां च भूतानां योऽव्ययः पिता ॥ १६॥

    Please hear from me, The thousand holy names, Which wash away all sins, Of Him who is purest of the pure, Of That which is holiest of holies, Of Him who is God among Gods, Of That father who lives Without death, Among all that lives in this world,

    कृपया मेरे से सुनें, हजार पवित्र नाम, जो सभी पापों को धो देते हैं, जिनमें सबसे पवित्र है, जो सबसे पवित्र है, जो देवताओं के बीच भगवान है, जो मृत्यु के बिना रहने वाले पिता है, जो इस दुनिया में जो भी जीवित है,