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    अक्रूरः पेशलो दक्षो दक्षिणः क्षमिणांवरः । विद्वत्तमो वीतभयः पुण्यश्रवणकीर्तनः ॥ ९८॥

    915. A-krurah: He Who was not cruel. 916. Pesalah: He Who is charming and soft. 917. Dakshath: He Who removes evil elements very quickly. 918. Dakshinah: He Who is pleasing and amiable. 919. Kshaminam-varah: The foremost in bearing the burden of protection of His devotees. 920. Vidvat-tamah: The Best among those who know what to do. 921. Vita-bhayah: He because of Whom fear is dispelled. 922. Punya-sravana-kIrtanah: He Whose nama sravanam and kirtanam are purifying.