1. 115

    तेजोवृषो द्युतिधरः सर्वशस्त्रभृतां वरः । प्रग्रहो निग्रहो व्यग्रो नैकश‍ृङ्गो गदाग्रजः ॥ ८१॥

    763. Tejo-vrshah: He Who showers His splendor on His devotees in the form of His protection. 764. Dyuti-dharah: He Who is like a majesty. 765. Sarva-Sastra-bhrtam-varah: The Best among those warriors who are armed with all weapons. 766. Pragrahah: The Controller. 767. Nigrahah: He Who has firm control over all creation. 768. Vyagrah: He Who has no end. 769. naika-sr’ngah: He Who has many rays of effulgence radiating from Him. 770. gadagrajah: The elder brother of gada.