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    सुवर्णवर्णो हेमाङ्गो वराङ्गश्चन्दनाङ्गदी । वीरहा विषमः शून्यो घृताशीरचलश्चलः ॥ ७९॥

    743. Suvarna-varnah: The golden-hued. 744. Hema’ngah: He of golden-hued limbs. 745. Vara’ngah: He Who displayed His Divine Form to Devaki in response to her prayers. 746. Candana’ngadi: He Who is adorned with delightful armlets. 747. Viraha: The Slayer of the strong demons. 748. Vishamah: He Who destroyed the effect of the poison that was consumed by Rudra during the churning of the Milk Ocean. 749. Sunyah: He Who is without any attributes. 750. Ghrtasih: He Who sprinkles the world with prosperity. 751. A-chalah: He Who is unshakable against His enemies. 752. Chalah: He Who moves.