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    एको नैकः सवः कः किं यत् तत्पदमनुत्तमम् । लोकबन्धुर्लोकनाथो माधवो भक्तवत्सलः ॥ ७८॥

    730. Ekah: One Who is Unique and matchless in all respects. 731. Naikah: He Who is not One only. 732. Sah: He Who spreads knowledge. 733. Vah: The Dweller. 734. Kah: He Who shines. 735. Kim: He Whose praise is sung by His devotees, 736. Yat: That Which already exists. 737. Tat: He Who increases the kirti of His devotees. 738. Padam anuttamam: The Supreme Goal. 739. Loka-bandhuh: One to Whom everything is bound since He is their Support. 740. Loka-nathah: The Protector of the world. 741. Madhavah: The Consort of Lakshmi. 742. Bhakta-vatsalah: Affectionate towards the devotees