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    भूतावासो वासुदेवः सर्वासुनिलयोऽनलः । दर्पहा दर्पदो दृप्तो दुर्धरोऽथापराजितः ॥ ७६॥

    713. Bhutavasah: He Who is the abode of all creatures. 714. Vasudevah: He who is the light. 715. Sarvasunilayah: The Abode and support of all souls. 716. Analah: He Who is never satisfied that He has done enough for His devotees. 717. Darpaha: The Destroyer of pride. 718. Darpa-dah: The Bestower of beauty and attractiveness in everything. 719. Adrptah: He Who is not proud Himself. 720. Durdharah: He Who is difficult to control. 721. Aparajitah: The Invincible.