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    अर्चिष्मानर्चितः कुम्भो विशुद्धात्मा विशोधनः । अनिरुद्धोऽप्रतिरथः प्रद्युम्नोऽमितविक्रमः ॥ ६८॥

    639. Arcishman: He Who has great luster. 640. Arcitah: He Who is worshipped. 641. Kumbhah: He Who shines in this world. 642. Visuddhatma: He of pure nature. 643. Visodhanah: The Purifier. 644. Aniruddho: One who cannot be restricted. 645. Apratirathah: The Matchless. 646. Pradyumnah: He Who illumines the jivas. 647. Amitavikramah: He of immeasurable steps.